Be The Woman Who Fixes Another Woman’s Crown Without Telling The World It Was Crooked

Hi all!

I’m not someone to normally vocalise an opinion on this BUT since Saturday I have seen so many women criticise and tear her down and to me that is simply not right as we should be uplifting and empowering each other!

What am I on about do you ask? I’m on about the new Duchess Of Sussex aka Meghan Markle.

On my Facebook news feed I saw so many people criticising her because her dress was too “simple, boring, not enough bling, not princess enough, dull, ugly” I couldn’t believe what I was seeing! I can’t believe that in 2018 we still judge each other and over a dress!

Let’s get this straight when you go and pick your wedding gown or any type of special dress do you think to yourself ‘oh will everyone who isn’t wearing this going to like it’ or do you think ‘oh I love this dress this suits my style completely and it flatters me, yes I’m going to get this one’? Which one is you because I know for me I will buy myself a dress that I love and suit and which is my style not one that I think everyone else love. For example I have two weddings next month and a few months back I was at my Nan’s and I was saying that I need to get a dress as I don’t have one that fits me as I’ve lost so much weight (5stone to be exact) but I didn’t want to buy one just yet as I was concerned that if I bought it in one size that it would be to big, but before I could finish saying that my nan said “oh because you might be too big for it?” To which I told her no. So I start looking online for a dress and as I love the 50’s I decide to look on Lindy Bop and start showing her dresses that I like and my nan told me “I don’t think fat people should wear those type of dresses” I looked at her in disbelief (I’m a size 20/22) in which I turned to her and showed her a picture and said “oh do you mean like these ladies”

I quite frankly think they look beautiful and the style is extremely flattering! It doesn’t matter if you think that “fat people shouldn’t wear those type of dresses” because if that suits their style and it fits them and they’re happy then it doesn’t concern you.

So back to the Duchess Of Sussex wedding dresses, my personal opinion is I think they’re both classic, elegant, simplistically beautiful. The ‘bling’ that people kept moaning about missing in my opinion wasn’t missing because did you see her stunning tiara?! It was beautiful and I think the dresses suited her style perfectly!

It saddens me that we live in a world that as women we still find the need to tear each other down instead of empowering and uplifting each other. We should be able to live our lives without feeling the need to criticise each other or without feeling like were being criticised or feeling like our hair or make up has to be perfect to be perceived as beautiful because heaven forbid if one hair is out of place, if you’re brows aren’t on fleek, or your outfit doesn’t fit with public acceptation! Everyone has their own style, some styles are outlandish, some are simplistic, some are elegant, some are vintage but one thing that they have in common is that each of those styles are what one individual person loves and suits and that’s what makes us individual because surely it would be boring if we all like the same things or all wore the same things, clothes are used to represent your personality not to wear as a uniform (unless you have to wear a uniform for work).

We should be celebrating each other! Empower each other to be who we truly are! The unfortunate thing is that when women tear down and criticise others it’s because they’re either jealous or envious of that person. I will put my hands up to being envious of people in the past but it didn’t serve me and it only made me bitter and ugly on the inside and outside and that wasn’t and still isn’t the person I want to be. There’s no point on being beautiful on the outside when it’s not represented on the inside.

I want to help and hopefully inspire others to encourage and empower each other and to accept ourselves because that’s where it starts, with ourselves, if we don’t encourage and empower and accept ourselves how can you expect to do that for others? I recall seeing a picture a few weeks back of 2 apples side by side cut open and one was rotten on the inside and the other was completely healthy on the inside, the rotten one had mean spoken to with negative and hurtful words, the healthy one with positive and uplifting words. It just goes to show that negativity doesn’t serve anyone in the end.

We need to end this perception of being acceptable or perfect. No one is perfect and it is ok to not be ok. We are all human and as long as we love each other and ourselves then everything is possible.

Be kind, love yourself and others and always be accepting of others.

Until next time

Life With Ruby Slippers


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